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Simplify Manuscript & Textbook Publication with Thesis PhD:

Education & Academia:

Need technical editing, proofreading, rewriting, addressing reviewer comments, or formatting? Experience the difference with Thesis PhD.

Realize the difference with Ph.D. Assistance

Ph.D. (Doctorate of Philosophy or DPhil), DBA, DS/SD, DLit/DLitt/LitD, DD, DTh, DMus, DCL:

Experience complete satisfaction with our publication support. We offer original, elegant, and nuanced arguments, ensuring a sophisticated academic tone.

Get Expert Publication Assistance from Qualified Researchers in the UK and US:

With over 10 years of experience and more than 10,000 journal papers published, our firm offers unparalleled support. We provide exclusive peer-to-peer assistance for Ph.D. students, including journal submission, consultation, onsite tutoring, and writing conference and seminar papers. Additionally, we offer extensive support for internship programs and the publication of academic course books.

Publication Support: Peer Reviewing, Language Editing, Formatting & Referencing Services

Research involves applying scientific methods to study problems and acquire reliable knowledge, which is then disseminated through conferences, books, and journal papers. While books are a traditional method of sharing information, they are becoming less common in research due to their commercial nature. Journal publications offer better potential for researchers to share up-to-date findings.

To publish in research journals, researchers need current field knowledge and familiarity with academic writing. Crafting academic articles requires cutting-edge expertise in their study area. While replicating research is sometimes necessary to explore contextual differences, it should avoid the “me too” syndrome.

Thesis PhD supports you in writing, editing, proofreading, and formatting journal articles to ensure your research meets publication standards.

End-to-End Assistance

Our expert team provides comprehensive support to help you:

  •  Develop Your Research Ideas: Conceptualize and refine your research concepts.
  •  Narrate Your Research Objectives: Clearly articulate your research goals.
  •  Formulate a Suitable Research Design: Create an effective research framework.
  •  Data Collection: Prepare questionnaires, conduct surveys, and gather necessary data.
  •  Statistical Methodologies: Employ appropriate statistical data collection methods and analytical tools.
  •  Time Allocation: Schedule and allocate appropriate time for various research stages.
  •  Maximize Resource Utilization: Maximize the utilization of accessible resources.
  •  Data Analysis: Compile, analyze, and infer from the collected data.
  •  Sample Size & Methods: Determine appropriate sample sizes and data collection methods.
  •  Findings & Presentation: Make meaningful data analyses, record findings, and present conclusions effectively.

Our comprehensive service allows you to meticulously plan your research project, prioritize key activities, and develop a professional-standard research work that is 100% original and plagiarism-free. Our experienced team is well-versed in various research domains and has successfully supported numerous Ph.D. students in their dissertation development.

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Your total analytics solution provider is here.

Exclusive Mentoring Services for Doctorate of Philosophy Dissertations

Our Various Statistics, Programming & Engineering Services

Manuscript Rewriting

If you’re struggling to translate your ideas into writing or aren’t satisfied with your draft, Thesis PhD experts can help transform your thoughts into a manuscript format suitable for your target journal.

Manuscript Copyediting

We offer tailored proofreading and copyediting services, catering to your specific needs with different levels of edit to ensure clarity and coherence.

Manuscript peer reviewing

Our peer review team provides detailed comments on your paper, akin to those you’d receive from field experts, to refine your manuscript before submission.

Manuscript Statistics

Creating a precise statistical report is essential. Our team ensures that the statistics align with your research objectives, questions, hypotheses, and expected outcomes.

Manuscript formatting & referencing

Our Journal Formatting Service alleviates the stress of adjusting manuscript layouts, spacing, and matching journal style sheets. We ensure your paper meets all formatting requirements.

Manuscript plagiarism correction

Plagiarism involves using someone else’s language, ideas, or materials without proper acknowledgment. Our team is skilled in rewriting and paraphrasing to ensure a 100% plagiarism-free document.

Manuscript editorial comment

After your manuscript undergoes the first peer review, we help address the editorial comments to ensure your paper is scientifically sound, factual, clear, complete, and original for successful resubmission.

Tables, & Figures or images Redrawing Help

To avoid plagiarism, we assist in redrawing tables and figures sourced from other published papers.

Cover Letter for your manuscript

A cover letter is crucial for manuscript submission. We craft effective cover letters that highlight key points to enhance your chances of publication.

Conference & Seminar paper

We assist in preparing seminar papers, essential for academic curricula, providing a platform for researchers to present and discuss their work with peers, academicians, and experts.

Selection of a journal

We help you identify the right journal for your paper, ensuring it meets the expectations of your target audience.

Abstract Writing

Writing a concise and effective abstract is crucial. We ensure your abstract is succinct, usually around 200 words, summarizing your report’s contents without redundancy.

All our writing, editing, coding, algorithm, software programming, and statistics services are provided by qualified professionals dedicated to working on your dissertations. We employ only reputable professionals who have completed their higher education in the US, UK, and Australia, and are native speakers of their respective languages. For software programming, coding, and algorithm services, we hire only registered vendors, carefully selected based on their exemplary sample work and portfolio.

Ph.D. Publication Service Features – Emphasis on various aspects

Our Ph.D. Publication Service features a wide range of textbooks relevant to your specialization, ensuring comprehensive coverage in your research methodology. We integrate these textbooks along with journal articles to enrich the depth and breadth of your scholarly work.

Thesis PhD offers a diverse range of services supported by subject matter expertise from across the globe.

At Ph.D. assistance, we have a specialized academicians who are professional and qualified in their particular specialization, like English, physics, chemistry, computer science, criminology, biological science, arts and literature, law ,sociology, biology, law, geography, social science, nursing, medicine, arts and literature, computer science, software programming, information technology, graphics, animation 3D drawing, CAD, construction etc.

End-to-End Support: From Rewriting to Acceptance

Thesis PhD provides comprehensive end-to-end services. Our Ph.D. experts assist in rewriting your manuscript to reflect your ideas and suggestions, engage in statistical analysis and programming, conduct editing and proofreading, format the document according to journal style guidelines, and ultimately guide you through the submission process.

What to Expect from Our Ph.D. Thesis / Dissertation Assistance Service:

You can collaborate with researchers, get linguistic editing, writing of all chapters by translating your research idea, plagiarism correction, specific chapter (e.g. research methodology alone), mentoring support and much more.

Get some of our Ph.D. Thesis or Dissertation Writing Service features at Free of Costs.

We share references sourced for your dissertation in the form of PDFs, questionnaire or interview guide and primary research output without data at free of costs

Develop Questionnaires or Interviews at No Cost:

In the Ph.D. journey, questionnaire development is a pivotal step shaping the accuracy of our study outcomes. At Thesis PhD, we guide you through the development, reliability, and validation of questionnaires. Our experienced researchers excel in crafting questionnaires using various scales, interview guide questions, potential group discussion formats, structured and unstructured questionnaires, open and closed formats, and more. We offer exceptional expertise exclusively for questionnaire development and research frameworks. When you order a full Ph.D. dissertation, we assist in questionnaire development or interview guide setup at no additional cost.

Complete Your Primary Research with Additional Assistance:

While many scholars overlook appendices assuming they are non-essential, they actually play a crucial role in supporting analysis and validating conclusions. We provide appendices containing supporting evidence such as raw data referenced in the text, contributing facts, specialized data, sample calculations, technical figures, graphs, statistical tables, detailed descriptions of research instruments, maps, charts, photographs, drawings, letters, copies of emails, questionnaires/surveys, interview transcripts, or detailed results of questionnaires, large data tables, specification/data sheets, and more, all at no additional cost.

Complimentary Appendices or Extra Work:

Most of the scholars assume that an appendix is information that is NOT ESSENTIAL to the Ph.D. research and often it is being ignored. However, it plays a vital role to support your analysis and validate your conclusion. We provide you appendices to support evidence (e.g. raw data that is referred to in the text), contributing facts, specialized data, sample calculation, technical figures, graphs, tables statistics, detailed description of research instruments, maps, charts, photographs, drawings, letters, copies of emails, questionnaire/surveys, transcript of interviews, or example of specific of full results of questionnaire, large tables of data, specification or data sheets, and others.

Our Ph.D. Research Assistance Services:

We are dedicated to maximizing the value of your investment in us, ensuring both quality and timeliness.

Original Content:

We understand the gravity of plagiarism and guarantee 100% originality in our content. Our experts use advanced plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin or WriteCheck to ensure authenticity.

Tailored Approach:

Our premium researchers prioritize originality and tailor each Ph.D. dissertation to meet your unique requirements. This personalized approach ensures satisfaction and completeness, reflecting our commitment to quality.

Affordable Pricing:

We offer top-notch Ph.D. dissertation services at competitive prices, irrespective of location or subject. Our global assistance is priced reasonably, considering currency variations, and delivers consistent quality across the board.

Customized to Your Needs:

Our experienced writers delve deep into your topic, ensuring a 100% match with your requirements. We involve you at every stage, adhering closely to your university guidelines to meet expected standards.

Timely Delivery:

We value deadlines and promise timely delivery of your work. Minor changes are handled within 24 hours, while major revisions are completed within 48 hours, allowing ample time for feedback and updates.

Word Count Assurance:

We handle word counts ranging from 8,000 to 80,000 words, adhering strictly to your university’s guidelines. We exclude non-textual elements like references and tables from the word count, ensuring compliance with academic standards.

Stringent Quality Checks:

Our rigorous quality assurance process guarantees accurate and high-quality output. We scrutinize every aspect, from language and technical terms to referencing and formatting, ensuring excellence throughout.

Unlimited Revisions:

We understand the importance of feedback and offer unlimited revisions based on your supervisor’s input. Our aim is to enhance your research work until it meets your satisfaction.

Updated References:

Our dissertation projects are meticulously referenced using the latest sources, including online resources, journals, textbooks, and regulatory documents. We adhere to university-specific referencing systems, recognizing the significance of proper citation.

Top-Quality Tailor-Made Ph.D. Dissertation Research Writers with Extensive Experience:

Trust in our exceptional and cost-effective Ph.D. dissertation writing services.

As well as your order, you will also get the following

Our Additional Features

Fully Referenced

We ensure that all academic work, whether an essay, report, or dissertation, is properly referenced to acknowledge the sources of ideas and thoughts. This is crucial for readers to identify relevant sources and avoid plagiarism. References are incorporated within the main body of your work and linked to a comprehensive list at the end of your document.

Formatting & Referencing

Our team strictly adheres to recommended formatting guidelines such as APA, MLA, Harvard, among others, as specified by scholars. We focus on proper citation, sentence structure, and the inclusion of a table of contents, Lists of Tables & Figures, footnotes or endnotes, ensuring clarity and academic integrity.

Study Materials Sharing

We go beyond delivering your ordered work by providing you with access to reference materials used in the research. This includes journal articles, textbooks, PhD dissertations, web pages, videos, and more. Upon request, we highlight key articles for your understanding. Additional materials are shared via secure platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox for your future reference during exams or other academic processes.

Client Feedback & Reviews

Saige Fuentes. Web Designer

A positive review is a comment left by a customer or client who is satisfied with your company, product or service. Reviews can help pinpoint what your company is doing right as well as identify potential areas of improvement to enhance customers' experience or maintain a high-quality product.

Bowen Higgins. Web Designer

A positive review is a comment left by a customer or client who is satisfied with your company, product or service. Reviews can help pinpoint what your company is doing right as well as identify potential areas of improvement to enhance customers' experience or maintain a high-quality product.

Kylan Gentry. Web Designer

A positive review is a comment left by a customer or client who is satisfied with your company, product or service. Reviews can help pinpoint what your company is doing right as well as identify potential areas of improvement to enhance customers' experience or maintain a high-quality product.

Order Process

Acquiring your Ph.D. Dissertation, whether in full or in part, from Thesis PhD is a straightforward and efficient process. Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Fill out the order form

Provide detailed information about your project and specify the assistance you need. This helps our research team understand your requirements better.

Step 4: Editing and Proofreading

After our writers complete the work, it undergoes editing and proofreading to ensure it’s free from grammatical or language errors. Our qualified team of native English speakers and language editors meticulously review the content. Whether it’s UK or US English, we maintain consistency. The content is then checked for quality and originality through a plagiarism check.

Step 7: Compliance check

After completion, we compare the final documents against your requirements, checking for title accuracy, context relevance, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and adherence to manuscript style and quality.

Step 10: Request for amendments

If adjustments are needed by your committee or supervisor, we provide unlimited revisions to fulfill your requirements.

Step 13: Final document sharing

Once the work is completed, you receive the finished document via email or CRM download. Contact us for any necessary corrections or changes.

Step 2: Make payment for your chosen mentoring service

Complete the prescribed payment for the service you’ve selected. Payment amounts vary based on the research methodology and timelines. Use our secure online payment system for transactions.

Step 5: Progress updates

We ensure that you are kept updated on the progress of your project. You’re also encouraged to update us regarding any changes or additional instructions from your university or college.

Step 8: Plagiarism check

We use anti-plagiarism software to ensure your document is plagiarism-free before delivery. You receive a plagiarism report and certificate for assurance.

Step 11: Incorporating revisions

We incorporate unlimited revisions, ensuring every client’s satisfaction. We address changes suggested by your guide until you’re entirely satisfied.

Step 14: Amendment requests

If modifications to the research methodology are needed, submit a request highlighting the changes. Our experts validate and implement valid modification requests.

Step 3: Confirmation of your order

Upon payment, you’ll receive an official order confirmation via email. We initiate the process within a few days after receiving your payment.

Step 6: Assignment to Subject Matter Experts

An expert who best matches your research methodology is assigned to you. Our experts undergo rigorous recruitment to ensure they possess the right qualifications and experience. They are evaluated for their knowledge, critical thinking, language proficiency, and conceptual understanding.

Step 9: Free Appendices/Resources

We provide reference materials used in your research work via a zipped file through Google Drive or Dropbox, facilitating future use during viva voice or other processes.

Step 12: Download your order

Our CRM system allows easy interaction and downloading of your order. You receive reminders via email and SMS, and an additional copy is sent by mail.

Step 15: Feedback for improvement

We value your feedback and encourage you to share your opinions via our official email,, to enhance our services.

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