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Statistics / Data Analytics for Your Ph.D. Research

Are you confused in choosing the right statistics? Are you not clear on what to write under results part?

Need help with statistical analysis for your Ph.D. research? Unsure about what to include in your results section? You’re in the right spot! Join our rapidly growing community of Ph.D. research scholars and get the guidance you need.

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Team of Statisticians at Thesis PhD – Providing Reliable, Trustworthy, and Validated Results:

Ph.D. Statistics – From the Top Class Universities across the Globe

Our statisticians hold Ph.D. degrees from top universities worldwide, bringing extensive experience in research methodology and statistics. With a deep understanding of their respective fields, our experts have successfully collaborated with students from renowned universities. We prioritize a stress-free environment for our clients, ensuring a seamless experience for students entrusting us with their projects. Our expertise in the research domain, meticulous planning, organizational skills, and unwavering commitment to our clients enable us to consistently deliver completed research projects well before the deadline.

So, Relax! Your Ph.D. Research project will be in Safe hands

Utilizing Statistics in Your Ph.D. Research:

Statistical analysis plays a pivotal role in doctoral theses and dissertations. It involves transforming collected data into a refined masterpiece through analytical skills, aiding in the interpretation of outcomes derived from experimentation or investigation. This analysis encompasses data collection, thorough analyses, and insightful interpretation of the obtained data.

Statistics Services at Thesis PhD:

Thesis PhD offers comprehensive support to Ph.D. candidates in developing research tools such as questionnaires and data collection methods. We leverage advanced statistical software like AMOS, PLS LISTERS, SAS, and SPSS, in which we are proficient, for thorough statistical analysis. Additionally, we provide access to the latest training courses, designed by industry professionals, available both at our center and through video conferences. Our expert statisticians not only craft statistical analyses for your Ph.D. work but also assist in clarifying doubts, solving problems, and conducting sessions to enhance your understanding of statistical concepts.

Ph.D. Statistics – Covering Various Disciplines:

Thesis PhD provides comprehensive support across various disciplines and specializes in utilizing a range of statistical software including SPSS, AMOS, LISTERS, SAS, MATLAB, R, SYSTAT, EpiInfo, and others. We offer training courses specifically tailored for SPSS usage, including interpretation and report writing based on your statistical analysis output. These courses are expertly designed by professionals and can be conducted either at our center or through video conferencing for your convenience.

What services do we provide within the realm of Ph.D. Statistics?


We perform statistical analysis on provided raw data using relevant statistical tools and deliver the output results.


In addition to statistical analysis, we provide basic interpretation of the results without engaging in extensive discussion related to literature review.


Our premium service includes thorough statistical analysis, formatting tables according to manuscript standards, and providing detailed interpretation of the results. We also compare our findings with previous studies referenced in Chapter II (Literature Review) for a comprehensive discussion.

Connect with our team of subject-matter experts worldwide:

We provide concise conceptualization and abstract writing services for various fields such as management, life sciences, arts, social sciences, health sciences, biological sciences, medical sciences, and more.

Our Approach is Clear and Efficient:

We offer a comprehensive range of services with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a holistic and integrated approach. Specifically focusing on qualitative research methodology, we provide the framework for conducting your research, guiding you through each step including data collection. Additionally, we can assist in preparing interview guides as needed. Our services encompass all aspects of qualitative research, making us a one-stop solution. Our streamlined process is designed to be simple and transparent, allowing you to focus on your work without concerns about workflow, while ensuring complete confidentiality of your information.

Statistics Services at Thesis PhD:

At Ph.D. Assistance, the following are performed while you order for statistics

Data Compilation and Coding:

We handle tasks such as creating data entry formats in Excel, exporting data to SPSS or other software, labeling data, checking for normality, identifying missing data and errors, and conducting outlier analysis using suitable methods.

Statistical Data Analysis Assistance:

Our analysis begins with descriptive statistics for socio-demographic variables (e.g., age, gender, occupation, income, marital status), followed by assessing composite score reliability. We then proceed to hypothesis testing using appropriate statistical tools.

Interpretation of Statistical Results:

The output from statistical software can be extensive, so we focus on interpreting relevant data for your thesis, ensuring your complete understanding. If needed, we offer additional explanations and support.

Presentation of Tables and Figures:

We format statistical output according to journal standards, providing both quantitative analysis and qualitative insights on research methodology strengths and limitations. This comprehensive approach supports your thesis with details like sample size, study design, response rates, questionnaire reliability, and validity.

Tutoring and Support:

Beyond data analysis, we offer tutoring to enhance your statistical understanding, boosting your confidence for thesis defense. Thesis PhD provides holistic statistical support tailored to your research needs.

Before delivering the project, we conduct thorough checks on the following aspects:

  • We ensure that data analysis procedures are clearly and comprehensively described, allowing for replication of the study.
  • Our data analysis procedures align with the research design, driven by hypotheses, models, or theories.
  • We verify that statistical assumptions, such as measurement properties and distribution normality, are met by the data.
  • We use appropriate statistical tests for optimal analysis.
  • If multiple tests or comparisons are conducted, we apply proper adjustments to the significance level to account for chance outcomes.
  • We address power issues in statistical studies with small sample sizes.
  • For qualitative research relying on words, we ensure data reliability, validity, trustworthiness, and absence of bias.

In reporting statistical analyses, we:

  • Consider the underlying assumptions pertinent to the collected data.
  • Report statistics accurately and appropriately.
  • Determine the appropriate number of analyses.
  • Include measures of functional significance, such as effect size or proportion of variance accounted for, alongside hypothesis-testing analyses.

Regarding result presentation, we ensure:

  • Results are logically organized for easy comprehension.
  • Results are effectively contextualized.
  • The results are comprehensive.
  • We present an adequate amount of relevant data.
  • Tables, graphs, or figures are used judiciously and complement the textual content.

Statistical Test handled by Thesis PhD:

Thesis PhD manages a wide range of statistical tests through a well-structured process and fixed timelines, demonstrating proficiency in various statistical methods across different software platforms. Our expertise includes, but is not limited to, T-tests, paired t-tests, Chi-square tests, ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, MANCOVA, repeated measures ANOVA, factor analysis, cluster analysis, power analysis, linear regression, multiple regression, logistic regression, and correlation (including Pearson, Spearman, Chi-square, Point-biserial, Biserial, Box-Cox, Canonical, Cronbach’s alpha, Bland-Altman, Lin’s concordance, circular data correlation). Additionally, we conduct Mann-Whitney tests, Generalized Linear Models (GLM), survival analysis, Kruskal-Wallis tests, Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks tests, McNemar’s Test, Friedman’s Test, ROC analysis, GARCH, diagnostics tests (such as binary analysis and cutoff analysis), distribution fitting (including Grubb’s outlier test, Gamma distribution fitting, uniform probability, and probability plot comparison), forecasting methods (ARIMA, Box-Jenkins, harmonic regression, exponential smoothing, spectral analysis, and autocorrelation), item analysis, meta-analysis, hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), mixed models, multivariate analysis (such as discriminant analysis and log-linear modeling), non-detect data analysis, quality control, structural equation modeling (SEM), and path analysis. This comprehensive range of statistical expertise enables us to provide robust and accurate analyses tailored to your research needs.

Our Ph.D. service is distinct:

 We not only handle tasks like writing, analyzing, or collecting data, but we also elucidate concepts and exemplify forward-thinking references. We achieve this through collaborative brainstorming sessions to showcase our approach.


Brainstorm Your ideas

Plagiarism report

Quality assurance

Our Ph.D. Research Assistance Services:

We are dedicated to maximizing the value of your investment in us, ensuring both quality and timeliness.

Original Content:

We understand the gravity of plagiarism and guarantee 100% originality in our content. Our experts use advanced plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin or WriteCheck to ensure authenticity.

Tailored Approach:

Our premium researchers prioritize originality and tailor each Ph.D. dissertation to meet your unique requirements. This personalized approach ensures satisfaction and completeness, reflecting our commitment to quality.

Affordable Pricing:

We offer top-notch Ph.D. dissertation services at competitive prices, irrespective of location or subject. Our global assistance is priced reasonably, considering currency variations, and delivers consistent quality across the board.

Customized to Your Needs:

Our experienced writers delve deep into your topic, ensuring a 100% match with your requirements. We involve you at every stage, adhering closely to your university guidelines to meet expected standards.

Timely Delivery:

We value deadlines and promise timely delivery of your work. Minor changes are handled within 24 hours, while major revisions are completed within 48 hours, allowing ample time for feedback and updates.

Word Count Assurance:

We handle word counts ranging from 8,000 to 80,000 words, adhering strictly to your university’s guidelines. We exclude non-textual elements like references and tables from the word count, ensuring compliance with academic standards.

Stringent Quality Checks:

Our rigorous quality assurance process guarantees accurate and high-quality output. We scrutinize every aspect, from language and technical terms to referencing and formatting, ensuring excellence throughout.

Unlimited Revisions:

We understand the importance of feedback and offer unlimited revisions based on your supervisor’s input. Our aim is to enhance your research work until it meets your satisfaction.

Updated References:

Our dissertation projects are meticulously referenced using the latest sources, including online resources, journals, textbooks, and regulatory documents. We adhere to university-specific referencing systems, recognizing the significance of proper citation.


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