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Economic Data & Econometric Modeling for Your Ph.D. Research:

Are you looking to outsource your economic data and looking for an integration of economics, mathematic economic and statistics to find a relationship? Then you’ve reached the right place?

Are you considering outsourcing your economic data analysis and seeking a blend of economics, mathematical economics, and statistics to uncover relationships?

Thesis PhD's Econometricians & Statisticians: Providing Reliable, Trustworthy, and Validated Results

Our Ph.D. experts hail from top universities worldwide, specializing in statistical and economic analyses.

With extensive experience and deep knowledge in their fields, our team excels in handling diverse data types such as time series, cross-sectional, panel, and dummy variable data. We have a proven track record of successfully collaborating with students from prestigious universities, delivering research projects with meticulous planning, organization, and presentation skills. Our unwavering commitment to client satisfaction ensures timely completion of all research projects. 

Econometrics for Your Ph.D. Research:

Econometrics is a field that focuses on creating probabilistic models and statistical methods for studying economic connections. These connections illustrate the unpredictable behavior of economic relationships that aren’t addressed in mathematical and economic formulas.

For instance, consider the equation:

Q = f(P, Ps, Yd)

Essentially, econometrics involves assessing economic theories and models to verify their accuracy. It draws from various disciplines like mathematics, economics, and statistics. The primary goal of econometrics is to construct models that analyze the relationships between variables, considering factors such as the multi-causal nature of most economic variables (which are non-experimental) and measurement errors.

Statistics at Thesis PhD:

At Thesis PhD, we assist in crafting and defining economic models, such as determining functional forms and specifying stochastic structures. We then proceed with model estimation, testing, and utilization for forecasting and policy development. Our expert team is skilled in both theoretical and applied econometrics, covering areas like demand, supply, production, investment, and corruption.

Ph.D. in Econometrics Models - Covering Various Disciplines:

Thesis PhD offers support for econometric methods across various disciplines, such as engineering, biology, medicine, geosciences, and agriculture. In simpler words, whenever we need to discover random relationships using math, we use econometric tools. Our team is skilled in using software like SPSS, AMOS, LISTERS, SAS, MATLAB, R, SYSTAT, EpiInfo, and others. We also provide training on SPSS usage and interpreting statistical analysis outputs. This professional course can be conducted at our center or via video conferencing.

What specific services do we provide under Ph.D. Econometrics Statistics:


We conduct statistical analysis on the provided raw data using suitable tools and directly present the results.


Besides the aforementioned, we provide a basic interpretation of the results without comparing them to the literature review.


We conduct analysis on the provided data using suitable statistical tools and format the tables according to the manuscript style with logical coherence. Additionally, we provide an interpretation of the statistics conducted and discuss them by comparing with previous studies outlined in Chapter II (Literature Review).

Connect with our subject matter experts worldwide:

We provide concise conceptualization and abstract writing services for management, life sciences, arts, social sciences, health sciences, biological and medical sciences, and many other fields.

Our Approach is Clear and Effective:

We are a seasoned and reliable writing service that excels in multitasking. Our dedication lies in delivering optimal outcomes, enhancing knowledge, and fostering rapid educational advancement for students through our high-quality services. We guarantee a straightforward and uncomplicated work process, alleviating any concerns about workflow and ensuring 100% confidentiality of your information.

Econometric Modeling Features at Thesis PhD:

When you order econometric models from Thesis PhD, we perform the following tasks:

At Ph.D. Assistance, the following are performed while you order for econometric models


  •  We apply a theoretical foundation.
  •  Utilize micro-econometric and macro-econometric techniques.
  •  Conduct behavioral modeling.
  •  Employ statistical methods specific to econometrics.
  •  Incorporate mathematical elements typical in model building.

Our traditional econometric methodology includes:

  •  Stating the theory or hypothesis.
  •  Specifying the mathematical model based on the theory.
  •  Defining the statistical or econometric model.
  •  Collecting data.
  •  Estimating parameters.
  •  Conducting hypothesis testing.
  •  Making forecasts or predictions.
  •  Applying the model for control or policy purposes.

We address various challenges, such as:


  •  Aggregation across individuals.
  •  Aggregation across commodities.
  •  Aggregation across time periods.
  •  Spatial aggregation.


We work with different types of data:

  •  Time series data.
  •  Cross-sectional data.
  •  Panel data.
  •  Dummy variable data.

Econometric models

  •  Multiple regression with stochastic regression.
  •  Linear models and regression analysis.
  •  Time series analysis.
  •  Panel analysis.

Assistance with Statistical Data Analysis:

  • Data analysis typically begins with descriptive statistics (e.g., mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, range, standard error of the mean, confidence interval) for socio-demographic variables like age, gender, occupation, income, and marital status. This is followed by assessing the reliability of composite scores and conducting hypothesis testing using appropriate statistical methods.

Interpreting Statistical Results:

  • The output generated by statistical software is extensive, and it’s not necessary to interpret every single number. At Thesis PhD, we focus on interpreting data relevant to your thesis to ensure your complete understanding of the output. If you need further assistance, we’re here to provide the statistical help you need.

Before delivering the project, we ensure:

  •  Data analysis procedures are well-described and detailed enough for replication.
  •  Data analysis procedures align with the research design and are driven by hypotheses, models, or theory.
  •  Statistical assumptions, such as data measurement properties and distribution normality, are met.
  •  Statistical tests are appropriate and optimal.
  •  Proper adjustments are made for significance levels in multiple tests or comparisons.
  •  Power issues are addressed in studies with small sample sizes.
  •  Basic requirements of data reliability, validity, trustworthiness, and absence of bias are met in qualitative research.

Reporting Statistical Analyses:

  • We consider statistical assumptions based on collected data, report statistics accurately, choose appropriate analyses, and include measures of functional significance (e.g., effect size) alongside hypothesis testing.

Results Presentation:

  • Results are organized for clarity, contextualized effectively, and presented comprehensively with sufficient data. We use tables, graphs, and figures judiciously to support the text.

Statistical Test handled by Thesis PhD:

Thesis PhD handles a wide range of statistical tests and analyses within established timelines. These include T-tests, Paired t-tests, Chi-square tests, ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, MANCOVA, Repeated Measures ANOVA, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Power Analysis, Linear Regression, Multiple Regression, Logistic Regression, and various types of correlations (Pearson, Spearman, chi-square, point-biserial & biserial correlation, box-cox, canonical, Cronbach’s alpha, Bland-Altman, Lin’s concordance, circular data correlation). Additionally, we conduct Mann-Whitney tests, GLM, Survival Analysis, Kruskal-Wallis tests, Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks tests, McNemar’s Test, Friedman’s Test, ROC analysis, GARCH, Diagnostics tests (e.g., binary, cutoff analysis), distribution fitting (e.g., Grubb’s outlier test, Gamma distribution fitting, uniform probability, probability plot comparison), forecasting (ARIMA, Box-Jenkins, Harmonic regression, exponential smoothing, spectral analysis, autocorrelation), item analysis, meta-analysis (means, proportions, correlated proportions, hazard ratios), Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM), mixed models, multivariate analysis (e.g., discriminate, log-linear modeling), non-detect data analysis, quality control, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and path analysis.

Our Ph.D. Econometrics Statistics Service is unique:

We don’t just write, analyze, or gather data; we also provide explanations of concepts and demonstrate forward-thinking references to illustrate how we achieve this through brainstorming sessions.


Brainstorm Your ideas

Plagiarism report

Quality assurance

Our Ph.D. Research Assistance Services:

We are dedicated to maximizing the value of your investment in us, ensuring both quality and timeliness.

Original Content:

We understand the gravity of plagiarism and guarantee 100% originality in our content. Our experts use advanced plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin or WriteCheck to ensure authenticity.

Tailored Approach:

Our premium researchers prioritize originality and tailor each Ph.D. dissertation to meet your unique requirements. This personalized approach ensures satisfaction and completeness, reflecting our commitment to quality.

Affordable Pricing:

We offer top-notch Ph.D. dissertation services at competitive prices, irrespective of location or subject. Our global assistance is priced reasonably, considering currency variations, and delivers consistent quality across the board.

Customized to Your Needs:

We help to match your requirement 100% since our experienced writers upgraded with the topic and analyze well before working on the dissertation. In each of the dissertation stages, we always check with you before we move to the next chapters. Further, our services purely follow your university-upgraded guidelines to ensure that dissertation meets the expected standards.

Timely Delivery:

We value deadlines and promise timely delivery of your work. Minor changes are handled within 24 hours, while major revisions are completed within 48 hours, allowing ample time for feedback and updates.

Word Count Assurance:

We handle word counts ranging from 8,000 to 80,000 words, adhering strictly to your university’s guidelines. We exclude non-textual elements like references and tables from the word count, ensuring compliance with academic standards.

Stringent Quality Checks:

We undertake the rigorous quality check and assurance process at every step of your dissertation thereby you are assure that you get the accurate output. Our experts check every time and verify the given requirement, so your final output meets the standard. We analyze and check your document based on the language, technical words, subject matter, referencing, formatting, plagiarism and overall.

Unlimited Revision

We understand the importance of feedback and offer unlimited revisions based on your supervisor’s input. Our aim is to enhance your research work until it meets your satisfaction.

Updated References:

Our dissertation projects are meticulously referenced using the latest sources, including online resources, journals, textbooks, and regulatory documents. We adhere to university-specific referencing systems, recognizing the significance of proper citation.


Top-Quality Tailor-Made Ph.D. Dissertation Research Writers with Extensive Experience:

Trust in our exceptional and cost-effective Ph.D. dissertation writing services.

As well as your order, you will also get the following

Our Additional Features

Fully Referenced

We ensure that all academic work, whether an essay, report, or dissertation, is properly referenced to acknowledge the sources of ideas and thoughts. This is crucial for readers to identify relevant sources and avoid plagiarism. References are incorporated within the main body of your work and linked to a comprehensive list at the end of your document.

Formatting & Referencing

Our team strictly adheres to recommended formatting guidelines such as APA, MLA, Harvard, among others, as specified by scholars. We focus on proper citation, sentence structure, and the inclusion of a table of contents, Lists of Tables & Figures, footnotes or endnotes, ensuring clarity and academic integrity.

Study Materials Sharing

We go beyond delivering your ordered work by providing you with access to reference materials used in the research. This includes journal articles, textbooks, PhD dissertations, web pages, videos, and more. Upon request, we highlight key articles for your understanding. Additional materials are shared via secure platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox for your future reference during exams or other academic processes.

Client Feedback & Reviews

Order Process

To achieve better results, we follow specific order Process
Have a look at what makes us Different

Step 1: Fill out the order form

Provide detailed information about your project and specify the assistance you need. This helps our research team understand your requirements better.

Step 4: Editing and Proofreading

After our writers complete the work, it undergoes editing and proofreading to ensure it’s free from grammatical or language errors. Our qualified team of native English speakers and language editors meticulously review the content. Whether it’s UK or US English, we maintain consistency. The content is then checked for quality and originality through a plagiarism check.

Step 7: Compliance check

After completion, we compare the final documents against your requirements, checking for title accuracy, context relevance, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and adherence to manuscript style and quality.

Step 10: Request for amendments

If adjustments are needed by your committee or supervisor, we provide unlimited revisions to fulfill your requirements.

Step 13: Final document sharing

Once the work is completed, you receive the finished document via email or CRM download. Contact us for any necessary corrections or changes.

Step 2: Make payment for your chosen mentoring service

Complete the prescribed payment for the service you’ve selected. Payment amounts vary based on the research methodology and timelines. Use our secure online payment system for transactions.

Step 5: Progress updates

We ensure that you are kept updated on the progress of your project. You’re also encouraged to update us regarding any changes or additional instructions from your university or college.

Step 8: Plagiarism check

We use anti-plagiarism software to ensure your document is plagiarism-free before delivery. You receive a plagiarism report and certificate for assurance.

Step 11: Incorporating revisions

We incorporate unlimited revisions, ensuring every client’s satisfaction. We address changes suggested by your guide until you’re entirely satisfied.

Step 14: Amendment requests

If modifications to the research methodology are needed, submit a request highlighting the changes. Our experts validate and implement valid modification requests.

Step 3: Confirmation of your order

Upon payment, you’ll receive an official order confirmation via email. We initiate the process within a few days after receiving your payment.

Step 6: Assignment to Subject Matter Experts

An expert who best matches your research methodology is assigned to you. Our experts undergo rigorous recruitment to ensure they possess the right qualifications and experience. They are evaluated for their knowledge, critical thinking, language proficiency, and conceptual understanding.

Step 9: Free Appendices/Resources

We provide reference materials used in your research work via a zipped file through Google Drive or Dropbox, facilitating future use during viva voice or other processes.

Step 12: Download your order

Our CRM system allows easy interaction and downloading of your order. You receive reminders via email and SMS, and an additional copy is sent by mail.

Step 15: Feedback for improvement

We value your feedback and encourage you to share your opinions via our official email,, to enhance our services.

Our Subject Matter Expertise is second to none! So, Relax! Your Ph.D. Research project will be in Safe hands

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