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Professional Ph.D./DBA Abstract writing for Dissertation and conference paper

Are you facing difficulties in framing the abstract for writing or finding it hard to write crispy and informative abstract for your dissertation/conference paper?

Then you’ve reached the right place

Your Abstract is written by experienced researchers from the US & UK

At Ph.D. Assistance, our dissertation Abstracts writing services help you to create crispy, interesting and informative and comprehensive research content. Our excellent team of Ph.D. writers helps you with entire abstract either for dissertation or conference paper or as annotated bibliography (or assignment)

We are delighted that you have chosen Phd. Assistance .We are confident that we are ready to help you writing best dissertation abstracts for the Ph.D. dissertation As we understand it plays a more significant role in writing dissertation 

PhDAssistance-Abstract writing help

An abstract is the brief description of your main concept of your complete research paper that should be present during the conference. Therefore, it should be unique and perfect. A conference abstract needs to address the problem statement.

Ph.D. Abstract – Mentoring for your successful submission

Most of the students are facing an extremely frustrating situation when writing the abstract for their Ph.D. dissertation or conference/seminar paper that must meet well-researched and has a very clear research goal. Especially for the Non-English speaking countries such as Chinese, Brazil, Singaporeans, Malays, Indonesia and other Asian country’s students are afraid as soon as they are assigned for the abstract writing for the conference because it should be one-off and attention-grabbing to the readers compared to others. We make sure that the language is well written and engages with no grammar or language errors. The abstract needs to illustrate how the research has been taken. It needs to describe the work process precisely. Also, make sure that the conference abstract gives a summary of your finding. We ensure that the abstract has around ten keywords linking the content of the paper. At Ph.D. assistance, you will get help from experts to ensure achievement in all the above key points to make sure that your conference is successful.

Abstract need to justify its good qualities to convince the appointed committee

We write both descriptive and informative Abstract from the introduction to conclusions. Though it looks simple, it is a hard task to complete because it needs to be clear, concise, coherent, unified and conceptualized.

Ph.D. assistance pricing plans the UK

What Services do we offer under Ph.D. Abstract writing service?

We write an abstract writing based on the pricing plan. Although this dissertation abstracts looks simple but is a tedious task to complete this writing.


Developed based on the relevant sources, a reasonable attempt at finding an area that warrant research & evidence of an attempt to provide critical evaluation but mainly descriptive.(maximum 300 words)


Wide range of sources, a clear identification of research gap in the literature along with aim and research questions (maximum 400-500 words)


Refers to a wide range of seminal research with throughout engagement using latest resources. (maximum 1000 +words) (upgradable)

Get in touch with our Subject-matter expertise across the globe

We offer brief conceptualization abstract writing services for management, life Science, arts, social science and health, biological and medical sciences and much more.

Our Process is Simple & Straightforward

We ensure that our work process is simple and straightforward therefore do not have to worry about workflow as well as we keep your information 100% confidential.

Outstanding Ph.D. Abstract Writing features & explanation

Good Ph.D. Dissertation abstract features include

We follow the university-specific guidelines or publisher’s guidelines across the top countries like United Kingdom, United States, Australia and other Asian Universities.

The complete research paper or any other content document shrink into brief concept information that helps to present the research report in the conference, is what we call as an abstract. They are two types of abstracts such as an informative and descriptive abstract.

Informative abstract include background, purpose, interest /focus of paper and overview of the content.

Descriptive abstract include background, aim or purpose, methods, finding/results and conclusions.

At Ph.D. assistance based on the research scholar requirement, we write either informative abstract or descriptive abstract. Look out the good abstract features include

Brief Introduction of the topic

Background of the study:

An Outline of the research study context explained is in this section

Aim or Purpose of the study:

In this section, the main of the purpose of the research project will be explaining more than two sentences.

This section offers necessary background information by diminishing it with more attractive, interactive and informative features to the reader’s perception. At Ph.D. Assistance, we are well-versed in writing engaging abstracts including general territory, broad foundation (existing literature), the general scope, overview of the sections and finally engage the readers for the Ph.D. dissertation, conference or seminar purpose.

Brief problem statement & Literature review

The Identification of research problem is the first step that every researcher must conduct, but it is very difficult for inexperienced /novice researcher to conceptualize the research problem. Although experienced researcher can fail to identify these problems, Ph.D. Assistance helps to identify the research and literature review problem well and formulate that problem into good research questions.

Brief Research design and collection of data

The design is the structure of your research work, and it finitely gives the direction and systemizes the research. Based on design and method you choose you results will be affected. We used mainly two approaches to a research problem like quantitative and qualitative research. They are different research designs including descriptive, experimental and semi-experimental designs.

At last, pilot study was conducted to check whether the design works for this whole research study through a pilot study.

Data collection

It is a process where the researcher mainly collects information needed to answer the research problems. When collecting the data, researcher should decide to collect data by asking questions to answer -which, how, when and who

Ph.D. Assistance expertise is excellent in identifying an appropriate research design and collect the data based on the research problem for your dissertation paper.

Brief Analysis and interpretation of data

The process of segregating the whole research study into constituents’ parts is based on the specific questions under the statement of the research problem. We usually conduct two ways of data analysis such as qualitative and quantitative analysis then interpreting the result by answering the research question.

Our research analyst at Ph.D. Assistance, have fruitful years of experience in identifying the research and literature problems, best-choosing research design and data collection based on the research problems as well as presenting data and concluding research data result through analysis and interpretation


In this chapter, we introduce three section viz., discussion, summary, and conclusion. The discussion chapter compares and contrasts the findings of previously published authors in line with the research questions. Since this is the heart of the dissertation, we ensure to develop analytics and critical thinking concerning theoretical arguments grounded in the literature review.


How the entire process works?

After the order is confirmed, we allocate the special team to scrutinize the work in terms of availability of necessary requirements to complete the work. Once the process is done and in the case of queries, it is ensured that queries get shorted out in the initial stage of the work. Moreover, experts provide an outline for developing the full dissertation. Once you agree with our proposed outline along with the aspect of the Chapterization plan, you would avail the write-up material in context to chapters. Our exclusive and trained coordinators would remain in touch with you to get your queries clarified as per the requirement. To avail the primary data, you need to pay an additional charge. This would assist you to show the proof of evidence of data collection to the concerned department of the university. We will make sure to paste the excel data sheet in Appendix which will remain on the shared platform. You can pay in installments, and work gets off as soon as payment is received. We deliver your work as per the schedule fixed and agreed or even before the schedule.

Our Ph.D. topic selection service is exclusive

As we do not just provide topics, but the rather clear explanation and justification for the choice.


Brainstorm Your ideas

Plagiarism report

Quality assurance

Our Ph.D. Research writing, rewriting & mentoring Help.

We are committed to providing value for your money and time you invest with us

0% Plagiarism content

We’re aware of the consequences of the plagiarism, therefore provide you 100% plagiarism free content. We ensure that our experts scan the works through online plagiarism tools as well as Turnitin or WriteCheck.


Every work is purely original as well as our premium researcher understand the value of grades in writing the one-off dissertation paper since they are passionate about doing the research. We offer only tailor-made Ph.D. dissertation writing services which are unique, and it gives you completeness and satisfaction for your money.

Reasonable cost

At Ph.D. help, we strive hard to provide the ultimate Ph.D. dissertation research methodology writing services with high-class quality at a reasonable cost when compared to the globally available service provider. Our assistance is globally available who would work as per their currency charges and timings. Our pricing plan is constant irrespective of places, subjects, and universities as well as we provide only the same high-quality works to all the students.

100% Match with requirement

We help to match your requirement 100% since our experienced writers upgraded with the topic and analyze well before working on the dissertation. In each of the dissertation stages, we always check with you before we move to the next chapters. Further, our services purely follow your university-upgraded guidelines to ensure that dissertation meets the expected standards.

Meet Deadline

The committed timeline is our promise to our every client. We understand timeline that decides your future, and therefore our work is delivered as per the deadline committed. For minor changes, we guarantee delivery within 24 working hours and any major changes to dissertation chapters will be carried out within 48 working hours. We check all your emails within 30 minutes of working hours. We plan your complete dissertation within short time so as to help you to save time for changes and updates.

Word Count Committed

Our experts can handle the maximum word counts in the Ph.D. dissertation writing that range from 8,000 -80,000 words. In addition, as per your university guidelines and requirement, we complete the Ph.D. research methodology that meets specific word counts since we completely understand the appointed universities committee members will reduce the credits if the word count decreases. We count the words without adding Reference, Chart table, Table of Contents, Appendix, Bibliography and Interview responses.

Quality check

We undertake the rigorous quality check and assurance process at every step of your dissertation thereby you are assure that you get the accurate output. Our experts check every time and verify the given requirement, so your final output meets the standard. We analyze and check your document based on the language, technical words, subject matter, referencing, formatting, plagiarism and overall.

Unlimited Revision

Every researcher has different points of view. Therefore, we offer unlimited revisions. Our team of Ph.D. experts respects the feedback provided by the guide or supervisor and provides sufficient changes to enhance your research work. The revision carried out at this stage is complementary*.

Latest referenced sources

Our dissertation writing projects are completely referenced with updated online sources, journal articles, research, textbooks, corporate document and other international and national regulatory documents. Our team of ultimate copyeditors exceptionally works for university specific referencing system since we understand the value of each credit.


PhD Mentors with adequate experience

Rely on our unique and affordable Ph.D. Dissertation mentoring services

As well as your order, you will also get the following

Our Additional Features

Fully Referenced

All our academic mentoring, whether an essay, report, dissertation or any other form of academic writing that are built on other’s thoughts and ideas, are acknowledged appropriately. This is necessary to the reader in identifying and finding the relevant sources. We ensure that the usage of references would be largely within the main body of your report while the introduction and the conclusion are largely based on the ideas. This is to ensure avoiding plagiarism. Acknowledgment is done in the text (i.e., in work) and subsequently linked to the full lists presented under the references lists section (end of your work of all sources you refer to).

Formatting & Referencing

The research report is formatted based on the recommended formatting guidelines. Since, there are many different guidelines available including APA, MLA, Harvard , we strictly follow the guideline given by the scholars. Based on the referencing style (e.g. APA, Harvard, MLA, Oxford), the report will be formatted. Further, we also format to ensure (1) avoiding plagiarism (2) assigning proper authority to a statement, (3) sentence structuring and finally adding a table of content, and Lists of Tables & Figures. Footnotes or endnotes are also being taken care by our formatting team.

Study Materials Sharing

We not only deliver the work that you ordered but also we take one step forward to ensure that you are aware of reference materials used in the research work. Every article whether a journal article, textbook, PhD dissertation, translated works, newspaper articles, dictionary, or web pages, lectures (usually includes speaker name, date, name and the location) encyclopaedia entries, legal or historical text, PDFs, PPTs, YouTube Videos, annual reports and many more– will be shared to the research scholar for future reference. On a special request, we also mark / highlight the articles that are most important for the student to read and understand. Additional reference materials will be shared via zipping file through Google drive or drop box so you can use it again during the viva or any other process.

Client Feedback & Reviews

Order Process

To achieve better results, we follow specific order Process
Have a look at what makes us Different

Step 1. Complete the order form

You can provide as much information as you can about your project and the specific assistance that you require from us. It will help our research team to understand your requirements.

Step 4: Edit & Proofreading

After receiving the work from writers, we send the document to editing and proofreading department to ensure that the work is free of any grammatical or language errors. The content is minutely scrutinized by a qualified team of native English speakers and language editors. Whether it is UK or the US English language, we ensure that the styles are not mixed. Following the proofreading and editing, the content undergoes a quality and plagiarism check. The quality check ensures that the content matches the requirement and is relevant whereas, plagiarism check ensures that the content is original.

Step 7: We check against the requirement

Once your dissertation work is completed, we compare and cross verify the final documents like title, context, spelling error, language error, grammar, punctuation mistakes, wrong manuscript style and quality against the client’s requirement. We look at each detail very keenly to ensure whether it is an exactly cited and align with your requirement.

Step 10: Request for amendment

If you require any changes done by your appointed committee or supervisor you can always come back to us and do not hesitate, we are ready to do unlimited revisions for the concept being committed. Comments can be shared through our official email at

Step 13: Our researcher makes the changes

The document will be received by our writer or programmer, and once the work is finished, we’ll share you the complete work through email or you can download the order through CRM. If you are in need of any changes or corrections in your document, you can contact us at any working hours without any hesitation. We are happy to incorporate the changes as per the initial commitment.

Step 2: Make payment for your specific mentoring requirement

You will be required to make the prescribed payment for the specific service you are opting for. The payment would vary as per the type of research methodology and timelines. You are required to make the payment through our secure online payment system.

Step 5: Update process

We will provide complete updates with regards to the progress of your project. It will be a two-way process wherein you would also be required to update us about any changes or additional instructions that you might receive from your university or college from time to time.

Step 8: 100% Plagiarism Assurance

Once your dissertation is edited and proofread , your final document is checked for plagiarism with anti-plagiarism software tools before the delivery. We provide plagiarism reports,and a certificate to ensure the students not finding any issues in the future. Ours is therefore a high-quality research and streamlined process.

Step 11: We undertake free unlimited revisions

Another feature that is unique to Ph.D. Assistance is that we offer unlimited revisions that are totally free. In the rare instance that there is a variation between perceptions of the expert from those of the client, there is a scope for disagreement. In such instances, we are open to making changes to the research methodology as per the client’s requirement. Any additional inputs given by the client’s guide is also addressed by our experts. We ensure that every change as suggested by the client is incorporated till such time that the client is entirely satisfied.

Step 14: Amendment Request

In case after going through the project you feel the need to modify the executed research methodology, you can make a request for modification while highlighting the modifications required. Once we receive the request for modification, our experts will verify if the changes suggested are valid and work on it accordingly.

Step 3: Order confirmation communication

An official order confirmation communication will be sent to the email address specified by you at the time of the initial registration. We start the process within a couple of days* after your payment received

Step 6: Assigning Subject Matter Expertise

Based on your requirement an expert who is most qualified and experienced in executing your research methodology will be assigned to you. The assigned expert will be responsible for extending complete assistance throughout the duration of the project. Experts at Ph.D. Assistance are carefully chosen through a rigorous recruitment process. Stringent recruitment norms ensure that only the right people with the right qualification and experience are selected. During the recruitment process, they are evaluated for their knowledge, critical thinking, language and ability to understand concepts. Thus, our team is an eclectic mix of Ph.D. holders, medical experts, engineers, management and financial wizards who not only have a strong grasp over their domain but they also have an inherent ability to execute research methodology assignments effortlessly while maintaining the quality.

Step 9: Free Appendices / Resources

We just not only deliver your work but take one step forward to ensure that you’re aware of reference materials used in the research work *. All reference materials will be shared via zipping file through Google drive or drop box to ensure you can make use of the same again during the viva voice or any other process.

Step 12: Download your Order

With the help of customized CRM, not only your interaction becomes easy. Now, it is a very simple process that you can download your order through our CRM and reminder will be sent through email & SMS. An additional copy will also be mailed. Our CRM is safe, secure and anti-virus enabled which keeps your documents in a highly secured manner.

Step 15: We value your Feedback to improve our services

Share your opinion and feedback through our official email id

Our Subject Matter Expertise is second to none! So, Relax! Your Ph.D. Research project will be in Safe hands

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