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Thesis submission

6 Ways to Increase Your Thesis Submission Possibilities

During your complete academic life, one of the hardest hurdles that you will ever get to face is getting a Ph.D., or master’s degree, in your field of academics. But the element that makes a doctoral and master’s degree so hard to accomplish is the academic paper that every aspirant needs to prepare for thesis submission.

The said infamous academic paper that makes every student feel overwhelmed at the very hearing of its name is a thesis/dissertation. Thesis and dissertation are quite intertwined with each other, but for the sake of keeping it clear, we are going to use both the terms in this article.

A thesis is the hardest academic paper that any student will have to prepare in their complete academic life. An average thesis (no thesis is average) takes about a year and half at the least, for the first thesis submission, and this number can go up a lot depending upon your opted field of study.

How hard is it to prepare a thesis? (Thesis submission)

To answer this question very clearly, I would say “A LOT!”. Writing a thesis requires quite a lot of prerequisite study and research, along with a lot of writing, rewriting, drafting, editing, proofreading, plagiarism-checking, etc. I know, sounds a lot overwhelming, but don’t worry, this article is here.

Writing a thesis becomes too hard because of having a poor strategy from the start. Having a proper work strategy allows you to manage your time and resources equally among preparing your thesis, handling your social life, college life, family life, and college studies as well.

Today, we are going to talk about how you can write the best thesis for submission using the best practices and ways.

If you want to get your thesis written by industry leading experts and professionals, then contact our team at PHD WRITING ASSISTANCE. We have helped thousands of students submit their theses/dissertations at the most affordable rates.

Ways to increase the possibilities of thesis submission

Well, now that we know what a thesis/dissertation is and how hard it is to prepare it, let’s talk about the ways in which you can maximize your effort succession possibilities by using the best writing practices and ways.

So, below are the 6 ways with which you can increase your thesis submission possibilities.

1. Do not write in chronological order

Doing things in their chronological order is the way our brains function but make it stop doing that this time. In the case of a thesis, you need to go off track and write some sections before other out of their chronology, for better outcome.

To understand the reason for this, you have to understand that writing a thesis is quite a lengthy and time-consuming process. During this process, you will go through changes and so will your research. So, you need to prioritize some out-of-order sections and write them first, despite their order.

For example, the first sections of any thesis/dissertation are abstract and introduction. But ask any professional, and they will tell you to write these sections after writing the main chapters. This is because writing your main chapters will give you a better understanding of its content and you will then write better and more comprehensive abstract and introduction.

2. Pay more attention to the introduction

(Since abstract is an optional section in many universities, we are going to mention introduction as the priority here.)

Introduction is the overview, or more like a trailer, for the upcoming chapters of your thesis. It plays a key role in the success of your overall thesis. The reason is quite simple, a good trailer gets the viewer interested and excited for the movie. Same goes for our thesis.

The better the introduction, the more immersed the reader will be while moving on the accompanying chapters. Writing a good introduction also refers to your reader having a better judgmental mindset while reading the following chapters because first impressions matter a lot.

Some basic points that an introduction needs to mention are:

  • Reason for this thesis taking place
  • Why is this thesis needed?
  • Why should anyone concern themselves with reading about it?
  • How can it benefit its field of study?
  • A brief review of its existing literature
  • A sneak peek at the conclusion of the research or the aim of the thesis

Contact our team of research writing experts at PHD WRITING ASSISTANCE to get your thesis/dissertation the best possible introduction section. Our writers have decades of research writing experience.

3. Make a good flow (Thesis submission)

One of the wrong perceptions that most of the people have about academic papers is that they just are not very interesting to read. The “interesting” in here is referred to the flow that most novels and stories have, that keeps their readers hooked to the story and do not get bored.

Despite to the contrary belief, a thesis/dissertation is also a piece of writing, quite a long one at that, and hence, it needs to have a good reading flow for the readers to be able to read through it without getting bored enough to sleep.

No matter how interesting a content of a thesis may be, without a good reader flow, the reader will just not get interested enough. So, while writing your thesis, make sure to keep a good and continuous flow of sentences and words between continuing chapters.

4. Learn to make a lot of drafts

If you ask any writer about their first draft, you will surely get answers such as “It was embarrassing”, “It was a complete wreck”, or even “I wanted to throw it out”. But that is the reality about the first draft of anything that we write. That’s why learning to make drafts is a good practice.

After writing a rough page about the content that you wanted to convey, it becomes a draft. From here on, some things happen, which are:

  • You read that draft again and again to remove all the unnecessary words
  • You check its grammar
  • You proofread it
  • You read it again and again to make changes in it until it sounds like you want it to
  • Then, you get it checked with your supervisor or professor for outline and other checks.

So, learn to judge your own creation for making it better every time that you read it until you read it and feel like you have outdone yourself.

5. Never Stretch your words

A thesis/dissertation is quite a long piece of paper and there will be many moments during the process of preparing it, when the frustration will force you to stretch your words. But that is the most important thing that you should not do if you want to increase your success possibilities.

A good practice for making sure that you never get frustrated enough to do this is to never write more than 500 words a day. Yeah, they sound like very less but this practice will help you in the long run. If you want, you can go a little overboard on the days when you feel like it.

Doing so will also provide you with the ability to go a little less on the days when you are not able to complete the daily word count. But make sure to never go overboard every day as it will reduce the quality of your work.

6. Read and learn about writing

If you are having to write a thesis/dissertation, then you have probably written enough to curse me after listening to this point. Because who does not know how to write? Well, agreed. But do you know who knows how to write exceptionally? Yes, writers do.

If you want to convey your content, research, and words in the most exact way that you want them, then you need to learn and read about how to write. Writing good is a skill that is valued highly all around the world and hence, if you need to maximize the chances of your thesis getting accepted, then you need to learn how to write good.


Preparing a thesis is hard work and preparing a good thesis is even harder. To get yourself the doctoral or master’s degree that you are aspiring, you need to do that hard work. But what the content of this article will help you in, is with getting the most out of your hard work.

Having the best possible shot at getting your thesis/dissertation accepted by your education institution’s educational committee is the closest that you can have as the conformation of getting your hard work’s desired result.

To get your thesis prepared by expert research writers in the way that its submission possibilities are maximized, opt for our services at PHD WRITING ASSISTANCE.

To know more, contact our helpdesk.

During your complete academic life, one of the hardest hurdles that you will ever get to face is getting a Ph.D., or master’s degree, in your field of academics. But the element that makes a doctoral and master’s degree so hard to accomplish is the academic paper that every aspirant needs to prepare for thesis…

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