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Our Guarantees

Plagiarism Free

Plagiarism is a serious offense, and we do not condone or support any form of plagiarism. We follow the highest ethical academic standards and provide only 100% original work. Before your paper arrives in your email, we check it with the latest anti-plagiarism software to guarantee you 100 % authentic work. We provide 100% original and completely plagiarism-free work with proof for the same is our uniqueness in research writing process. 

Unlimited Support

We consult researchers on how they have to handle the research work which no other service provider does. Our unlimited revisions come to you free of cost as per the commitment made by us.

On-time delivery

All our work will be delivered on time without any delay. We have achieved 95-98% on delivery time commitment.

Subject Matter Expertise

Every subject is unique, and we allocate every work to Specific Subject Matter Expertise who have experience in writing your research works

Communicate with your writer

Yes. You can talk directly with the technical expertise over the phone/SKYPE. You can also come directly to our office with a prior appointment so that we can clarify your doubts

Updated academic resources

Academic resources of high quality, peer-reviewed journal articles, books, research databases and much more used for your research works

Free research articles supply*

We provide you the research articles at free of cost* that has been used for your research works. However, research articles that are freely available will be provided to you. For paid articles, links will be provided to you.

Terms and Conditions

PhD Assistance is committed to guiding the researchers in their research work as per the commitment. We understood that the researchers’ perception may vary from one to another due to which we provide unlimited revisions on whatever we commit as per the initial communication with Admin team (Refer our workflow process).

  • We completely research on every topic that we are assigned to, and we are not involved in selling any ready-made research work. We educate the client at every stage (if inquired by the client, at a separate cost), and the research work that we are committing is to be used as a reference and not to be submitted as it is.
  • Whenever a project is committed, the experts (Tutor) will be allotted within 24 hours and the work will be started within 48 hours (This may vary for shorter deadline projects., i.e., for projects less than 72 hours, the project will be started within 2 hours of project confirmation). If we have to stop the project and refund the payment, the request must be given within 24 hours of the project confirmation.


  • 100% Advance for Assignments / Coursework / Research Proposal / Questions and Answers / Manuscripts / Conference paper / Seminar paper / University level paper
  • For Medium Level research work for less than 30,000 words: New write up/Rework – Two Installments: The above statement means, after project confirmation and your first draft is sent to you, if you have any queries/corrections on your first draft, we are open to unlimited revisions. But you are expected to make the second installment in parallel to carry on your balance 50% work. Based on the delay in balance payment receipt/ primary data /secondary data / book sources receipt, the timeline will vary for which we are unable to take responsibility.
  • For High-level research work for more than 50,000 words: Three installments (40% Advance and balance amount (60%) in two installments for which work will be dispatched accordingly)
  • The client has to take responsibility for extension of the timeline if the payment, approval of previously dispatched chapters, primary data delay is on the client end.

We strictly stick to the word/page count after a project is confirmed and any changes in the initial requirement will be considered as a new requirement as negotiation in this regard is not entertained. During the project, we analyze the data/book sources as provided by the researcher/client. If there are any changes required in the data, we can do the same but at an additional cost since expertise need to spend additional time on your project.

Primary Data

  • 100% Advance for Assignments / Coursework / Research Proposal / Questions and Answers / Manuscripts / Conference paper / Seminar paper / University level paper
  • For Medium Level research work for less than 30,000 words: New write up/Rework – Two Installments: The above statement means, after project confirmation and your first draft is sent to you, if you have any queries/corrections on your first draft, we are open to unlimited revisions. But you are expected to make the second installment in parallel to carry on your balance 50% work. Based on the delay in balance payment receipt/ primary data /secondary data / book sources receipt, the timeline will vary for which we are unable to take responsibility.
  • For High-level research work for more than 50,000 words: Three installments (40% Advance and balance amount (60%) in two installments for which work will be dispatched accordingly)
  • The client has to take responsibility for extension of the timeline if the payment, approval of previously dispatched chapters, primary data delay is on the client end.

We strictly stick to the word/page count after a project is confirmed and any changes in the initial requirement will be considered as a new requirement as negotiation in this regard is not entertained. During the project, we analyze the data/book sources as provided by the researcher/client. If there are any changes required in the data, we can do the same but at an additional cost since expertise need to spend additional time on your project.

With prior appointments on both sides, a conference call may be arranged with experts regarding any updates on project details

  • Conference call arrangement will be arranged only between 9 am – 6 pm (Indian Standard Time -IST) on weekdays (Monday to Friday) based on expertise availability
  • During the conference call, the project coordinator who is allotted to your project will mediate your call
  • No details related to personal/payment should be discussed, on account of which the call will be immediately disconnected
  • After a conference call, an email will be sent to you stating the information which is understood / conveyed over the phone. This has to be confirmed by the client/researcher without which the conference call details will not be considered as a valid point for future reference
  • We are unable to arrange for the conference call for Topic Selection, PowerPoint Presentation, Editing, Plagiarism correction, Formatting and Referencing, Manuscript/Conference paper
  • Research Proposal/Assignments/Coursework/Case Studies – 15-20 minutes (for the entire project)
  • Masters research work / Ph.D. research work – 20-30 minutes (for the entire project)
  • Projects on Individual chapters – 10 minutes (for the entire project)
  • The timeline mentioned above is to inform the client/researcher that the expertise can be made available on request and within the stipulated timeline, the con. The call is expected to complete. Further, if any requests made from the researcher/client for the con. Call / Direct meeting, there is an additional payment applies.

Rework / Feedback on Projects

  • Every project is committed between the client/Researcher and PhD Assistance/Academic support and not with the Third party which may include, but not limited to, the clients’ university / guide / supervisor / department / Journal. So any revision request from client end within the specified time will be addressed as per the commitment. Once the project is completed, any changes/comments/feedback in the requirement will be considered as a new requirement.
  • Once the project files are dispatched, we will be waiting for feedback/comments (if any) from the client/researcher up to grace period (Refer Table Below). After this grace period, the client/researcher will be requested formally to get back to us for any minor modifications. Any major modifications will be considered as a new/additional request from the final call. After the final call, the client will be informed about the formal closure of the project from the team.
Type of work
Grace Period
Final Call

Masters-Assignment-case study-coursework-report-essay-research proposal

7 Days

15 Days

Masters Dissertation

7 Days

15 Days

PhD thesis

2 months

1 Month


4 Months

2 Months

  • Since the expertise is Ph.D. holders and highly qualified subject matter expertise, the payment would be revised from time to time and market fluctuations. So the Grace period and the final call timeline is given since the expertise would be allotted to other projects and relieved from the current project based on client revert.
  • PhD Assistance will not be able to take the responsibility in addressing your supervisor / guide / department / reviewer comments after the timeline is committed.
Period of revisions
Payment terms

Within 15 days from the date of final dispatch

Free (only for minor modifications)

Between 15-30 days from the date of final dispatch

10% of the payment committed

Between 30-45 days from the date of final dispatch

25% of the payment committed

Up to 60 days from the date of final dispatch

50% of the payment committed

Above 60 days from the date of final dispatch

Will be considered as a new requirement

For manuscript development

  • The client has to take care of rejection scenario if the reviewers’ comments are related to the Basic concept, Title provided and the primary data. However, we provide revisions for the comments received especially concerning enhancement of technical content, language and formatting guidelines.
  • For any guidance provided, we refer both free as well as paid articles. If the client needs any articles for their future reference, free articles will be provided. But in the case of paid articles, only respective payment links will be provided for the same.
  • We are committed to providing a plagiarism-free work and not a free plagiarism report. However, if plagiarism report is required, you can make an additional payment for the same
  • Whenever committing a project, you must let us know the format/version of the file which you require since every document that is dispatched will be only in Microsoft Office (2007) version or relevant software formats.
  • We are not responsible for providing any software / screenshot of the software used since it is purely used for our internal purpose. The committed works will be provided with complete information in the write-up.


Researcher (Individual, Student, Scholar, Faculty, and Entrepreneur) and Company/Organization – PhD Assistance refers ‘Client’ as any or all the above said terms who confirms their project with us.

‘Project’ means the writing/editing/analytical work/illustrative tasks that are committed to client and PhD Assistance.

PhD Assistance consists of two separate departments where

  • Each client is received, discussed and analyzed about their requirement, fixing the commitment, negotiation in the commitment and the projects are confirmed at ‘Information’ department or ‘admin department.’ Any queries as follows, but not limited to, such as
  • Title, Type of work
  • Project cost
  • Payment modes and Currency conversion
  • Balance payment procedure / Installment payment procedure
  • Payment receipt / Non-receipt status / Payment Acknowledgement status
  • Additional project requirement (regarding word count for content development, editing, and proofreading, plagiarism correction, formatting and referencing, Data addition, data change, data creation, illustration/artwork services)
  • Additional service requirement (Extension of deadline, Earlier dispatch, extension of timeline for feedback/comments, Extension of timeline for publications)
  • Additional Requirements / Attachments / Guidelines / Instructions (other than the initial commitment)
  • Primary data (in excel sheet format / as interview transcripts format) / Secondary data / Supporting book sources (other than the initial commitment)
  • Refund – Are to be discussed only with the admin department or information department and not with the experts’ team or guidance department.

Once the admin team confirms the project, the project details will be sent to guidance team or experts’ team where a dedicated project coordinator is allotted to each project. The Project coordinator’s contact details (such as email ID, contact No) will be provided to the client. Any queries which are as follows will be addressed by the expert’s team or guidance team, but not limited to, such as

  • Technical discussion (including project outline, draft documents, plagiarism-related queries, deadlines)
  • Feedback or comments within the commitment
  • Conference call / Direct meeting arrangement
  • Justification for the work provided
  • Outline / Table of Contents / Technical queries / replies
  • Free reference articles (paid reference article links)

This intersection is made to ease the client regarding

  • 100% confidentiality of client’s personal details, payment details, project works, copyrights of research works
  • Clear understanding of project commitment, deliverables, process flow about the additional requirement other than the commitment

Refund Policy

  • Refund is not possible for the projects committed with a deadline less than or equal to 72 hours
  • The refund is not allowed if the project is already allotted and the permissible timeline is exceeded. The refund due to ‘stopping the work’ is not applicable for shorter deadline projects
  • There is no refund policy at PhD Assistance as we provide unlimited revisions as per the commitment.

Referral Terms and Conditions

  • One can refer many of their friends/colleagues. There is no restriction for their referral limit.
  • On confirmation of project by two of your referrals, you will be entitled to referral offer
  • Interlinked reference is not considered as a valued referral.
  • The referral benefit can be availed only when three of you (the referrer, two referrals) confirm the project. No Cash or Gift benefits will be provided.
  • Each referral you are referring must mention your name and email id for considering the referral offer.
  • On 100% payment confirmation of the two referrals of yours, you will be entitled to the benefits as mentioned.
  • PhD Assistance’s decision is final, and Referral benefits are subjected to change as it is the sole decision of PhD Assistance.


Welcome to PhD Assistance. PhD Assistance provides its services to its customers on the grounds of certain rules and conditions as specified below. Visiting PhD Assistance website and availing services of PhD Assistance would consider that you accept these terms and conditions. Please read and understand them. You are bound by these terms and conditions for the services that PhD provides you. All these terms and condition are pertinent to all the people of the present, past, and future. Even if you have used this site sometimes back, still you are bound by these rules.


This site is created and controlled by PhD Assistance. The laws of India shall apply, and courts in Chennai shall have authority in respect of all the terms, conditions, and disclaimers. PhD Assistance can any time make changes to the website and terms, conditions and disclaimers without information to the customers/users/ of the PhD Assistance website, on the grounds of the rights and authority that it reserves.


“Agreement” means the terms and conditions as mentioned here including all schedules, appendices, annexure, privacy policy, and will include the references to this Agreement as amended, canceled, supplemented, varied or replaced from time to time.


The logo/image of PhD Assistance on the home page of the website & other pages is registered by PhD Assistance and cannot be used or communicated or distributed without the specific and written permission of PhD Assistance.


The information that has been put on the website PhD is only meant for the users to know our features and for our business that benefits our clients. You are authorized only to use the site for your personal and have a limited license to access. The commercial use of this site, use of any product listing, description, any copying, duplicating and selling any derivative of the site is strictly forbidden. The use of framing techniques to enclose any logo or trademark including images, text, and layout of PhD Assistance is not allowed without the consent of us.


The Customer agrees that all the payments will be made in advance.

  • Only after the payment made in advance, the “order” of the customer will start processing.
  • “Order” can be cancelled* [Refund process see below] within 24 hours of the payment by the customer. In the case of rush orders (24 hours to 3 days), the “Customer” has to cancel within 3-6 hours.
  • The Customer accepts that once the Order is paid and allowed time to cancel the “Order” has passed, the “Order” cannot be cancelled nor refunded. Money is not refundable once our tutors have started working on your order already.

Unacceptable quality of work / I did not pass any coursework

Work found to be unacceptable we are willing to rework till you are satisfied with the work. The writing work is subjective as what looks good to one person may not look good to other.

In a credit/debit card transaction, you must use a credit /debit card that is issued in the name of the User. PhD Assistance will not be liable for any credit/debit card fraud because of the card being used fraudulently. The liability to use a credit/debit card or a net banking transaction fraudulently will be on the User and the bonus to ‘prove otherwise’ shall be exclusively on the User.

  • *Refunds processing shall take at least 14 days.
  • The amount shall be refunded in the name of the person who has made the payment.
  • We shall require Tax and ID details of the person in whose name the payment is to be made.
  • Interest @5% p.a. will be payable on acceptable unpaid refunds after 60 days from confirmation of refund.
  • Refunds will be done through cheque only. Any money transfer charges, courier outside India shall be deducted from the refund amount.
  • Under no circumstances will the refund be made in cash.

We may demand the following information for personal identification of you:

  • Your name both first and last
  • Email address
  • Phone or mobile number for contact details
  • Zip/postal code
  • Your account details like credit card numbers for financial details
  • For any personal opinion of you about our website

Even if you have terminated your account with us, your information may be stored on our servers and remain stored even after the deletion or termination of your account.

How your information is used?

We collect your personally identifiable information and also financial details for money transaction and other details as a voluntary registration process for you. We do not share your personal information or disclose it to any third parties unless:

  • We have your permission;
  • to provide you the services you’ve requested;
  • to take action against any fraud, illegal activities to help the investigation.
  • Zip/postal code
  • Any requests, orders/notices from legal authorities or law enforcement agencies requiring your personal disclosure.


PhD Assistance, its representatives, writers and or employees will in no circumstances be liable to any person, institution, groups of people for any direct or indirect loss arising out any delay, incomplete or unacceptable work. PhD Assistance and its employees do not undertake any responsibility for clearing the exams or course work. PhD Assistance is only a research support service wherein research support is provided to persons who are willing to take this service.

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